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Become a Preferred Contractor with IHomeBldr.com

Grow your business by partnering with iHomebldr.com

iHomeBldr.com’s mission is to help the homeowner be able to afford their new custom home
by empowering them with the right tools and education to be able to be their own general
contractor and build their own dream home.

A big fear in this is hiring the wrong contractor that costs them time and money, so to further
assist our clients, we have built a vetted and preferred vendor and contractor list for them.

Our Expectations of iHomeBldr.com Preferred Vendors & Sub-contractors

Contractor Pricing

that you would give any homebuilder that was sending you 6-12 new jobs this year. You put your best foot forward and pricing accordingly.

Priority Treatment

meaning that they stay toward the top of your list. We want to help you grow your small business and send as many of our HOT LEADS to you as possible, but to do that, we expect you as a preferred vendor/sub, that you treat the client with the utmost respect and keep them as a high priority on your schedule board.


Continual communication with the client is and should be a no brainer in any successful business, but it’s a clear standard for our preferred vendor/sub. Schedules get bumped around from time to time but communicating clearly to our clients and the subs on the job will be done professionally and clearly.


We want you to have and keep the professional reputation you’ve come to love. Keeping clear communication, clean jobsites, respectful employees toward the homeowners, kept schedules, returning messages and phone calls quickly, and addressing any issues that arise in the building process with patience.

Trades Needed

We at iHomeBldr.com have been in the business for several years now and in this section of the
the company we have a significant goal of making your job as easy as possible by helping the client
create a very clear Scope of Work schedule for you as the vendor and subs, so you know exactly
what to price for them.

Please be clear and detailed on your scope of work estimates and don’t
hesitate to ask any questions or give us some feedback on how we can make things smoother
for you and the client.

Professional Vendors

Mortgage Lender
Builders Risk Insurance
Construction Material Suppliers

Professional Sub-Contractors

All Trades of Residential Construction
Excavation to Painters
Real Estate Brokers

Fill out the form below to get started.

We want to make a great experience for everyone involved. 

Lets team up and build some homes.

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